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Set your garden up for success this spring and summer! Midwest weather is a bit unpredictable in April, so it’s important to take advantage of the good days and get your gardening tasks done.

Spring Clean Flower Beds

One of the first things you can do is prepare your plantings beds and fertilize. Remove weeds and dead growth and add fertilizer to the areas that performed well last year. We recommend using compost as a slow-release fertilizer that won’t burn plants.

Plant Trees and Shrubs

Early spring is the perfect time to install new trees and shrubs. The weather and soil conditions in early spring give them the best opportunities to thrive.

Divide Overcrowded Perennials

Spring is the ideal time to plant new perennials as well as divide old perennials. If your perennials thrived in the past, but petered out or spread too far, you may need to divide them. Plants can stop thriving due to an overcrowding of roots, so transplanting portions to other parts of your landscape can actually improve the healthy and longevity of your perennials.

Want more gardening tips? Reach out to us at 316-788-5416 or fill out our contact form. We’re here to help!

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